- A selection of computer vision papers -
See Ke-Sen Huang's Eurographics 2011 page for a non selective list.

State-of-the-Art Reports

State of the Art in Computational Plemoptic Imaging (PDF, project)
Gordon Wetzstein, Ivo Ihrke, Douglas Lanman, Wolfgang Heidrich

Session: Quality and Scalability

Freehand HDR imaging of moving scenes with simultaneous resolution enhancement (PDF, project, results)
Henning Zimmer, Andres Bruhn, Joachim Weickert

Session: Non-Photorealistic Rendering

Estimating Color and Texture Parameters for Vector Graphics (PDF, supplementary material, video)
Stefan Jeschke, David Cline, Peter Wonka

Session: Image and Video

Blur-Aware Image Downsizing (PDF, project, video, results, supplementary material)
Matthew Trentacoste, Rafal Mantiuk, Wolfgang Heidrich
Image Retargeting Quality Assessment (PDF, abstract)
Yong-Jin Liu, Xi Luo, Yu-Ming Xuan, Wen-Feng Chen, Xiao-Lan Fu
Image and Video Abstraction by Coherence-Enhancing Filtering (PDF, project, results, videos)
Jan Eric Kyprianidis, Henry Kang